My Dolls in Green for March!

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 Life is crazy here at our house...there just hasn't been much time to play with the dolls. Spring is poking around the corner soon, so here is some wishful thinking, 

Let's make it GREEN! 

You can't do a Green March post without St. Patrick's Day being mentioned.

Chicago has a huge party and parade on St.Paddy's Day, they even dye the Chicago River GREEN....

Here the outgoing Queen crowns the New St. Patrick's Day Queen

Of course they are in their most gorgeous Green.

My repro dons a vintage green swimsuit...perfect for her complexion.

Gowns always seem to land in Vickie's Vintage...perfect for another Queen.
Vicky sports a great dress with greens and blues. Vicky loves green and wears it often.

Some real old vintage shows up , now and then. This 70's jumpsuit is quite the piece and neon, too.

Speaking of OLD...Barbie no.3 1959 wears this 'Swinging Easy' 1963 green dress.

I made this turtleneck when I first collected dolls, and everyone has worn it..Here is Zoe...perfect color for her and her Margarita.

"What's up Doc"...a Bugs Bunny dress, perfect for Spring and Carly is modeling.


Most of my dolls have jobs and work...Trish's Blue Sprinkling Can is busy now and she is watering plant starts in the greenhouse.

Loving this cute teen Skipper outfit...with a pineapple purse...greenish for Spring.

Seems someone (Ryan) has had two many Guiness and sports a green jacket and scarf while visiting Wisconsin. 

Barbie's Office in the townhouse is wonderful lime green. Catch that bench, in green too. Many of my doll rooms are green themed.

Handsome Ian sports a Mattel Shirt and a haircut, but he looks great in anything.

How do your dolls Look in GREEN?

All my dolls are thrift store finds except the redhead Repro, and my 1959 childhood doll No.3 whom I call Barbara M Roberts.

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I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions or products shown, or from where I shop. 

The Hostess with the Mostess

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It's a peaceful winter afternoon in Chicagoland. Little snow has fallen so far this season, but Barbie and Ken's backyard is ready for roasting marshmallows on the fire.


Dr. Ken arrives home in the afternoon.. after a long shift at the hospital.


Ken: (That's odd, the gas fire pit is going and no one is out here).


Ken: (I thought we put the decorations away last weekend?)


Ken: I'm just tired, but the snow shovel is out, too?


Groaaaannnnn....are we supposed to get snow? 


I need to turn that off!


If I sit down, I'll fall asleep and freeze to death...better find out what the story is.


Ken: Hey, guys, what's going on? I thought Christmas was over?

Collective: Shhhhhhhhh, we're taping!


Barbie: Even if you are entertaining in small spaces, make sure you set up a beverage station and a coffee station. Here, the stove and sink have become beverage central. Our winter cocktails look delicious, with wines and sparkling juices available, too.

Amy: That's good. Barbie, you are a natural.


Amy: Ian will you be able to edit Ken's voice from that?

Ian: Sure!

Amy: Barbie, start back at describing the food, and we will roll again.


Barbie: Where, do I look or do I just talk and point?

Amy: Let's try an overhead shot from the upstairs bedroom and see how that looks.


Amy: That's perfect Ian, I like the angle, now Barbie start like you're serving yourself and fill a plate while describing the food.


Okay, that's good!


Barbie: Hostessing doesn't have to be a hassle. Our Festive Smorgasbord features foods everyone loves, designed to be easy to serve and delicious to eat. The silverware is in a napkin folded into a pocket making it easy for your guests to carry.

Choose plates the size that are easy to eat from on your lap when serving buffet.

Amy: That's good. Ian could you get a few photos from by the windows, now please.

Ian: Sure...the light will be good from there!


Barbie: Don't forget a fresh salad and festive dressings. When you are busy working gal, a delicatessen ham and assorted selection of cheeses and meats are perfect for a festive supper or half-time on game day.


Amy: Closeup please of the meat tray.

Barbie: Add a vegetable or noodle dish for a perfect side that can be prepared days ahead. Just pop them in the oven before serving.


Because of space, we've kept the seasonal decorations to a minimum and followed a Winter theme of trees and  cool turquoise to blend with the existing home decor. A party is about people not tinsel.


Add your condiments at the end of the table and be sure to have enough seating for all your guests.


Amy: Great. Now, let's try the beginning one more time, please. 

Barbie: Hi, I'm Barbie from 'Model Life Design'. I'm a model, an entrepreneur and I hope, your favorite Lifestyle Designer.

Right now the Winter holidays are so busy, so we have prepared a festive Smorgasbord of easy to serve food and beverages for a fun evening or afternoon game day. All the recipes and holiday tips will be on the website and our social media accounts. Don't forget to subscribe to 'Model Life Design' for easy and fun tips for juggling a busy work, home, and social life.


Amy: That's perfect...everything looks very good on the screen. What do you think, Ian?


Ian: I should be able to have this edited by you can have it for social media promotions. I have the stills we took earlier for th publications, I'll send them over and you can choose what to use.

Amy: Perfect, this was a breeze. Now, I'm starving, it looks so great, let's eat! 


Ken: So, can come in and talk now? And does this mean no more Door-Dash or take out meals? 

Barbie: This is all for next year for the magazine. And sure Sweetie, I'll make you a plate, what do you want to drink? (says the Hostess with the Mostess). 


All Dolls by Mattel are thrifted except my New Dr.(Ken).

Mattel Townhouse drastically remodeled, starting HERE and HERE

Built-in furniture/cabinetry: HERE

Wall unit: HERE

Food: handmade with poly clay, as well as purchased.

Napkins..Doll's are tissue paper folded like this:
This a simple pocket fold, best with napkins the same on both sides, perfect for paper.

Large buffet napkin/same on both sides.     Fold in half to left raw edges to left.

fold lower quarter up to half line.                     fold again up to 3/4 line

Flip folded napkin over to back.                       Fold left side over to right in thirds
Fold right edge 1/3 in to left.                             Tuck left side into right folded edge

Back side of napkin pouch...tucked in.             Turn over insert silverwar

Any questions, I will be happy to answer!

If you enjoyed this post(s), please join me by email- at FOLLOW IT--
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I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions or products shown, or from where I shop. 

Chris,Rob, and the Kids' Winter plans

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Chris,Rob, and the Kids' Winter plans

Chris: I almost have all the decorations down. I suppose this one tree won't matter if we make sure the lights are off.


I really like this I leave it up all YEAR long?


Skipper: I don't think so Mom. It would look icky with Easter Bunnies on it.


Grumpy: I just want them to leave so I can demolish that cake thing on the table.


Scooter: Shamrocks wouldn 't look so bad. Will the kitties be okay when we are gone?


Puss: Hoomans gone....what?????


Rob: They'll be fine. Auntie Barbie is right next door and they will love having the whole place to themselves. Is everyone packed?


We need to leave for the airport by 9:00 PM for the red-eye to LA.


(The stockings are gone---but the fire is cozy.)


The girls in unison: We're packed and everything is a go-!


Scooter: I brought two swimsuits will it be warm in California?

Rob: Grandma and Garmpa have a heated pool, so will be warm enough.


(Decorations still Up, but wash is done)


Chris: I'm packed, I'm hoping to buy some new clothes in LA. People dress so dreary here.


Rob: Your closet is always full...!


Chris: We've been here almost six years, and I haven't adjusted yet...can't wait for sun!


Rob: How about one more Christmas photo here:


Skipper: But, what about the kitties????


It's really hard to get them to all be still.

Happy New Year 
from Chris, Rob, Scooter and Skipper and the 


Mattel Victorian home original extended floor: HERE

and the new second floor remodel: HERE

Dolls shown here are All thrifted

Critters are All thrifted

Sindy sofa and chair thrifted.

DIY Chris' Desk in bedroom: DESK HERE

Bunkbeds custom made by hubby 

Lamps: HERE

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I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions or products shown, or from where I shop.