We still aren't in full house-living mode, with so many totes and seasonal items displaced. I have only utilized what I have found so far...well, maybe next year?
Thursday I had my monthly doll club meeting, and this is the meeting where everyone goes nuts and brings 3 or more dolls to display in some spooktacular settings. This year was no different. I imagine there were more than 90 dolls at this meeting.
My dolls' seasonal is all messed up, too. I knew where I had one small box full of costumes, and I knew where this doll was and her fantastic dress. I paired her Venetian Muse gown, sans the crazy headpiece, and added a Vampire cape....her accessories are for the Halloween masked Ball, and of course a spare bottle of blood, just in case pickings were slim at the ball.
Madam Venetian Muse said, "My Dearone, this bottle is near empty, would you like to step into my carriage and I'll whisk you away to my Chateau for a nightcap?!"
Mrrr aaaa HAahaHA-ha-Ha......!
Another member's Fabulous Barbie House redone into a Haunted Mansion or Hotel....! all the rooms were full of spooky things and dolls!
Of course the Bride of Frankenstein is leading the gals outside!'
Costumes varied from Barbie Western, to classic, to Skellies!
Another cute scene were the little kiddies...out for
Trick or Treating!
How about Mattel's big American Girls ready for banging on doors for Treats and
I took Venetian Muse home and she almost looks like she is casting a spell on the toadstool.
She is so over-the-top dramatic in black and white!
At home, my Venetian Muse had to land on the Buffet.
Who could forget that rattling bass voice of Lurch?
One of the fun things we did at the meeting was make this fabulous Vellum backdrop...some glue and paste as our craft host cut all the paper on a Circuit machine. Helen BC is still center stage, but is joined with my artisan gourd cute. My mom's antique copper coffee pot, some toadstools, Lurch's bell pull. Who could forget that rattling bass voice of Lurch?
"You Rang.....!" |
I had fun with this, and moved it around until I thought it was done.
Decorating differently each year is sometimes quite organic and always changing as the season goes along. Remove and add and it will be a quick change to Thanksgiving in a few weeks.
My monster $Store Spider is just the right touch, they had been destined for the lamp post outside...but the weather has been too cruddy to work outside.
Sitting on a artisan pumpkin, HelenBC is perfect for the season
And the handmade backdrop is spooky for the setting!
This is all I will be doing for Halloween!
Hope you are having a
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I will be sharing at these fine Parties!
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