HFIM Fourth of July! Family, fun and Sun!

 This is a Repost from 2018..., enjoy and I hope everyone has a safe and happy Fourth of July

IT WAS HOT for the 4th in Chicagoland!


The Mom's, Karen (Richelle's and Rocky's in plaid Mom) and Sandy (Ryan's Mom) are ready for the heat and sun.

Sandy: We are off to volunteer at the voter registration booth in the park. I hope you are all registered, if not come on down. It's our freedom and our right! 

Karen: I'm so glad we get a chance to do this---we best be going, have fun, and we will see you all tonight.

Chorus: Yes, we all are!!!!!


Rocky: Smile, while I take a pic of our favorite Moms!

Karen: Hurry up, we don't want to be late and it's only getting hotter here in the sun.


Max: Hi, I'm Max, I see you have a Canada shirt on. I bet you can't tell, I'm from Chicago.

Zoey: I'm Zoey. I can see you are a Bears fan. I've been here for over a year. I'm going to school and work at Vickie's Vintage. I see they put you on the cooking patrol.


Max: I was grill cook while going through school. So I can handle this easy!

Max: Just a matter of timing and watching for flare ups. Won't be long now, everyone!


Sean: Anyone  need a drink refill? (Sean is Rocky's best friend from up north). They are both going to go to school in Chicago in the fall.)


Rory: I do! I'm still so hot from marching in the parade. I haven't twirled a baton in years. 

Nemo: Well, you looked great and the kids from the park district looked like they had so much fun carrying that huge banner they made. 


Rory: They sure did, I can't believe the girls are actually sitting still for a few minutes. I'm going to go change to something less itchy.


Anna: It was gut and varm! I never before marched in parade! I am wearing Sweden colors and some red for the USA. 

Chelsea: I liked the Shriners' clown cars. Happy Birthday, USA!

Scooter: The float with the sparklers was fun...I can't wait until we see the fireworks.


Midge, Chris, Belle and Aidan reminisce about when they were kids on the 4th.


Midge: I used to go on so many Tilt-A-Whirls, that I couldn't even walk.


Chris: Once I ate two whole pizzas and barfed on the roller coaster....just like the dog is working on, there.

Belle: That's Foofy the house mascot---always into mischief.

Max: Food's done, come and get it!

 (Everyone makes a mad-dash to get the burgers, hotdogs, and corn!) 


After supper dusk begins to shade the backyard.

Aidan: How many blankets do we need for everyone? 

Midge: Three, maybe four?


Rory: Remember no beverages in the park. We can get drinks at some of the stands if we have to.

Rocky: It's getting dark, I'll quick finish this last burger.


We've got a blanket just for us, too. Let's go!


Everyone cleaned up the yard and headed to the lakefront to watch spectacular fireworks.


P.S. July 5th, there will be some mess in the kitchen in the morning.

Hope you had a Happy Safe 4th of July 2018 

From the HFIM house.

New backyard is grass-scrapbook paper. Currently looking for an alternative that doesn't shed. Fence pieces are bamboo placemats, trees are Lemax and Studio 54 vintage finds, cheap. 
Furniture is all from thrift stores. 

Outfits: Most are vintage Mattel, handmade except for new Hello Kitty shirt on Rory, plaid dress on Sandy, and Rocky's last season Ken shirt. I think the purple/black shirt on Christian might be from a My Scene doll.

New faces in this episode:

Max---a Max Steel doll 1998 by Mattel, one of the first ones...he's great except he has a burgundy painted torso shirt. But, is very pose-able. Why can't Mattel, make decent Kens that pose and stand for the same price point? I'm trying to find guy dolls that are articulated and different, then the straight leg-Kens. 

Sean---is a Shaggy from the Scooby-do series of dolls by Mattel 2002. 

Where are Barbie, Vickie, Joe, Ryan, Richelle, Carly and the rest....?  At a special rooftop party, next up on Barbie:OldNewGreenRedo. And a little bit of diorama magic on a shoestring.

All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own. I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown or anywhere I shop.

Thanks always for visiting. 
I will try and respond to every comment and answer every question.

 Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission. 

Sharing at these Ad Free blog parties-with ads not in the middle of the blog (I'm going to try and see if this is possible)

Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi Magle

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