A quick Catch-UP....and a cute Find.

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First, I haven't been in the doll room for longer than five minutes for the last three months. But, my son surprised me with a cute trio of mini Barbie Little Debbie Dolls from 1997. 


I couldn't get the last hat to stay on---they have been in their original box for 27 years, and the hair knots are pretty well set. I straightened the hair out and put them back in hoping the hair will retrain hanging down without brushing.


Apparently they were a coupon mail in...opportunity...the details on the dresses are delicious, and so tiny! Some parts the bodices and collars are soft vinyl, whihc has held up well in storage. 


I was never a Little Debbie fan except for the brownie I was more of a  'serve your kids, rocks and twigs, Mom.' If it wasn't healthy it didn't come into the house. Talk about embarassed, my 8 year old son came home from a sleep over waving an aluminum pouch in my face filled with "The most wonderful thing in the world, Mom....they call them Pop-TARTS."  We still didn't have them in the house after that.

But, these girls are adorable...and such a sweet gift, they come with a stand you ram their feet into  and are barely 5" tall...just thought I would share. I might have to make a mini display box..with picket fence, maybe an animal or two, how about a swing...all in 1:12 about a dollhouse, LOL

Hope this finds all my readers well and happy, and I hope to post a bit more this week, if the heat continues. It's in the upper 80's still here..and hard to breathe with Canadian smoke. Hope all are safe there and in California.

All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own. I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown or anywhere I shop.

Thanks always for visiting. 
I will try and respond to every comment and answer every question.

 Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission. 

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