Trish's Tree Time Garden Center has been pretty busy!
Trish: I'm sure glad Ted came this afternoon with more stock. The trees and wreaths are thinning out. I bet we will be busy tonight!
(Later after 5 pm the lot is packed)
Lena (L) and Mari (R) have been shopping for hours.
Mari: Oh, that wreath, that one..up there!
Ted: I'll be right there to reach that, for you!
Ted: Anything else if you still have room in the car?
Mari: This sprinkling can for my Grammy and this snowman for Mom. Thanks, you have been a big help, Ted. Trish is lucky to have such a great brother!
Rosemarie: Daddy, we found the perfect's PINK! Look at these great decorations!
Vince (Daddy): Cool, which tree, Honey?
Connie (Mom): That one back there!
Vince: We'll need help with that, man that is really pink?
Courtney (pink hoodie): Oh, Daddy can I help?
Ted: Great choice sir...for the girls! Lift on three; one, two, and three!
Vince: Glad it's only two blocks away!
Ted: Do you have this, Sir?
Courtney: Sure, we're the Marinos, we got it!
Courtney: You're the best Daddy ever!
Vince: Sure honey, anything for my girls!
Melanie: Maybe we should get this live tree, and put it in the yard after Christmas?
Lucas: Say, if we take this live tree, can you plant it later for us.
Ted: Sure we have full landscaping services, we can do it after Christmas, or you can mulch a mound around the pot and we will do it later!
Lucas: How about delivery with the mulch then.
Melissa: My mom picked this out too...I love the Nutcracker!
Melanie: We've only been in Chicago for a month, this is a great neighborhood. Thanks, for all your help!
Peder is shopping for gifts for his family!
Dee Dee: My aunt Jacquie will love that wreath, can you bundle it up for me, she's still shopping!
Trish: Hi, Dee Dee!
Dee Dee: Ted got this down for me, now I have to run to the car before Jacquie sees it!
Trish: Better hurry, thanks for shopping here!
Trish: Peder, what kind of wreath are you looking for?
Peder: Something with sports, my dad is a Chicago Team guy.
Trish: I'm sure we have one here somewhere.
Trish: That's a lot of empty wreaths? Are you going to put me out of business!
Vanny: Hi, Trish. We are going to make some for the church virtual bazaar, can we get a break on the price, if you can.
Trish: How about half price, and you can put Trish's Garden Center down as donating, also. Happy to help!
Jacquie: Thanks Trish, there are so many in need, all the proceeds will go for the food bank!
Jacquie: You sure have been busy---we are just hanging on at the salon.
Trish: Soon as we close up for the winter, I'll be in for a trim and my nails are a fright. Have a Merry Christmas if I don't see you again.
Jacquie: Don't miss the Tree Lighting in the Park on Friday. You two are part of our community now.
Jacquie: See you Friday! Don't forget to bring something for the food bank...we have to help those in need!
Trish: Sure we will. Tree't wait...!
Ted: Yep, it will be fun, well let's get all these tree lights off, Sis...or the un-tree lighting,
...and lock the gates...tomorrow is another day!
Trish: Ted, we need more wreaths, some trees, and more bags...and....
Ted: I know.....
Sandi's note: I have to confess this is the most fun I have had in a long time...setting up this tree/garden center...and dressing all the dolls to do their shopping. I will be sorry to see it close for the winter. Upside next is Vickie's and then the Tree Lighting! Hope you are managing some doll time, since we are locked up!
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