HFIM House: Richelle's Secret

Late after the 1980s Fashion Show, the girls are having a cup and a snack at the HFIM house. Ryan shows up and grabs cold pizza from the fridge with milk and sits down.

Ryan: Okay, Richelle refused to talk to me and zonked out, what happened tonight?

(Room goes very quiet...and they nibble on their cookies.)

Sindy:We walked home together, she didn't say too much. Mumbled under her breath a lot, though.


Anna: We were all in a Fashion Walk, um, you say show...we say walking like cat in Sweden.

Barbie: Oh, you must mean catwalk---is that what they call a fashion runway in Europe? We call it a fashion show, Anna.

Anna: Um, okay. Richelle was "utstjalpning" you say-very upset.

Ryan: Well, I need to know what happened?

Anna: The announcer spoke Richelle had a secret, and she became red-faced.

Barbie: Ryan, the announcer meant Richelle was wearing new shoes and a new purse in the vintage show. Maybe, why...don't you two just announce your engagement.

Anna: Yes, our Swedish betrothals are celebrated with rings for both. You have no ring, Ryan, so no betrothal?

Ryan: (Sigh) No rings, but we are going to her parents next weekend. I'm not supposed to say anything.

Barbie: No one can keep a secret like that in this house, Ryan. Richelle has Bride magazines and clipping all over.... You could tell her we guessed, and that will let you off the hook. Better, I will tell her. 

Anna, please don't feed the dogs, they make such a mess.

Anna: I need Foofy to stop chewing my shoes. I clean the floors after. It's time for bed anyway!

Ryan:(Getting up) It's late, I will try and smooth things over. Goodnight, and thanks everyone.

All: Nite, Ryan.

I'll be happy to answer any comments or questions!
(any corrections are welcomed also.) 

All the opinions and photographs on this blog are my own, unless otherwise stated. 

 I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions
 or products shown, or from where I shop. 

The dolls shown are from my own and the Grand's collection. 
Clothes are vintage or made by myself. Occasionally, I falter and buy something new.

PLEASE do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission, but Pin away!
Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi Magle

I'll be sharing at these fine parties:


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