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Can you believe Ken is 60!
Remember what he looked like?
Almost like the guy on the back of comic books who wanted to get beefed up for the beach. Very thin...serious, and he had a fuzzy head.
March 1961, I was 13. I remember when the first Kens came out---my friends all thought he was a bit strange. Next to the original Barbie he looked okay, but...LOL.
I don't have an original many of the later Kens are much more interesting, and I really want articulated Kens/guys for my stories, not always an easy task.
Since I have acquired--I'm not going to say collect, as I am basically a rescuer, I've sure have found a bunch of Kens since 2015.
A few of my Mattel dolls celebrating the old man in the middle. I realized all my photos had face masks on from this these guys are breaking the rules. Just pretend it's another time, another place!
This group is up in the mountains for a guy weekend.
A fishing trip means a Under Sea Cake! And of course a Happy Birthday Cubs cake...!
My newest guy is the BMR 1959 on the right. He is the palest of all the dolls except for one of the BTS guy! And he has makeup on!
Back at the HFIM house the rest of my Mattel guys are celebrating in the backyard.
Again... pretend it is another time and masks!
Ryan(right): How does it feel to be 60, Dad?
Dad (Todd): GREAT! Let's get this party started, kid! Put the burgers on!
Jack the Lamplighter, Skater guy, New KEN (articulated) and Shaggy Ken...all ready to party!
Just a few older shots of my Kens.
Ryan's Dad, Todd, is just a cool dude!
Last year, Henri met Emilie in the park, and we have never seen his face, LOL
He's quite a hunk, Professor Higgins he is
'enri 'iggins...joke!
Lots of blond princes in the cast here. AA Tres is a Flavas Mattel doll...and articulated. I've tried to increase my AA dolls, it isn't easy to find AA articulated guys.
Next to him on the right is a My Scene doll...his big head just is out of place with the others.
One thing about putting them all together, is I realized I have three of the 'Stuart' lower right maybe I can give Patrick (back row right) a new body. He will be featured as the owner of the new bar/music venue...coming up soon.
Alan is a repro...pretty cute, but so stiff!
This is a photo of all my guys in 2019. Since then, their numbers have increased.
Dr. Ken (lower right) moved out of the HFIM house, and Kevin his brother is now a mannikin in Vickie's Vintage, but replaced by the new articulated Ken (wheelchair).
Malibu Ken.
These two guys are related, hair parted differently, and one is articulated.
One of the AA Stefan dolls---made up to look like James Baldwin.
Very handsome doll, he has had a hair trim.
Allan is Midge's old boyfriend...story on going!
So all My Kens just want to wish...
all the Kens Happy 60th Birthday!!!
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Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi