Grand Hotel Painting Part 2

AD-Free Blog

Happy New Year!

I'm really hoping to get back to posting fun projects and the doll stories this year. I sure have missed being in the craft room and 'playing' with the dolls.

I last left the Grand Hotel in late September when I finished all the spray painting!


September was perfect for painting this faded/pink to peach monstrosity!


Once I removed all the masking after spraying with Satin Spray paint for plastic, I was left with lots of details to work on. Not all the window treatments were the same on the outside of the building. The far-right and far left walls and windows did not have the translucent windows or the same trim. 


Here is those grayed windows getting a light blue trim added, they won't be translucent from the inside, but since I use the walls fully opened across the front--they will blend with the others.



Lots of detail---lots of multiple thin coats of craft acrylics.


Here is a translucent window---unfortunately I couldn't get rid of the peach under the window edges. I know that these windows are brittle and chose not to remove them for fear of cracking.


I chose to do those peachy panes in white, it took three layers of acrylic white enamel to do these.


Secret to painting areas like this is the perfect size brush and a steady hand.


Okay, now there was the orange behind the arch filigrees...I managed to mix gray that matched the spray paint...and these peachy areas were grayed, but then the blue filigree didn't show up---so I started to do those is a first coat!


Sorry I'm bouncing around here...but with drying time between coats I was constantly moving around the building. Here is my first attempt at enhancing the edge treatment. I basically used a firm sponge loaded with white paint and brushed it across the trim. This ended up being two coats, and lots of q-tip clean ups. 

The corner stones---were hand brushed in a light gray and then sponged with a bit of white. Again, lots of wet q-tip clean up--immediately.


Here is a glimpse of some of the front done...slowly coming together. 


I didn't quite know what to do with the center blue railing...I used the blue paint I used on the grayed windows and it was just too much blue.


I did a marble treatment on the marquee... and a bit of dark gray...still not satisfied---waiting for something to pop this?


Several days of more painting, and of touch-ups...and a little of this and that!


Finished, in the end the second story railing got some soft silver gilding along with the light fixtures below. 
I cleaned up all excess paint and more minor touch ups. Extra bits of the the white. This hotel will need a poly-acrylic spray in Spring to help make everything scratch proof!  

Inside was a a bit easier!

The masking really saved a lot of issues...however I managed to stick my finger through the upper mirror on this cabinet(crappy cardboard) so that will need a new replacement. Since this area is going to be a beauty shop---I left this cute cabinet as is!

There's going to be a coat rack in the right corner and a cushioned bench from the cabinet to the coat rack!

Upstairs there was a little peach touch up, but the telephone cabinet sprayed nicely.


This cabinet showed great detail and will make a nice reading nook.

The closures did not get all the white spray--since I didn't want it to go to the this was hand painted over! The apartment walls to the second story foyer will probably be right on this edge, so won't show anyway!


That was about all that I had to do on the inside. I left some of the windows white framed, so as not to limit the interior designs.  


Next, I will be putting it all together with the floors, the removable walls, the foyer railings...and eventually the bakery/restaurant and the beauty shop. Lara will have a small office in the lobby for managing the building. The fictitious third, fourth, and fifth floors...will have many unusual tenants.

I will need to add new doors, interior foyer railings, and apartment walls. Much of this will be sheet acrylic to give an open feel. That will be a challenge, as I have to get back into the doll room, after an eight month absence. 

Hoping You and Your Doll Families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

AD-Free Blog

Wishing all my readers and Doll friends a Merry Christmas,


I'll be back to posting....slowly as I reacquaint myself with the 
Doll Room, after a long absence. 


I can't wait to start working on the Hotel again,


And my gang, has lots of stories to tell, and new faces!


Thanks for all the get-well wishes...I'm finally starting to master the stairs. Now to find my way into the disaster of the craftroom-----! Can you believe my dolls are still in the yard, and Trish still has the garden store up!...(though there is no snow and only mild temps here in Chicago right now)


So, while you are rocking around the Christmas tree, take some time to enjoy your family, friends, and of course your dolls!
See you again, 
SOON, I promise!

Thank you for visiting, I will try and respond to every question and comment. 

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