Hotel Demolition: Men at Work

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The last of the demolition in the Hotel begins today. Russel Pitt, the foreman, has a large crew of seven guys working on the hotel. He scans the plans and makes  a decision.

Russ: This is a big list of removals we have to do here, today. Let's have three guys start upstairs and get everything removed. Jake, you take Pete and Larry up stairs. 

Remove the bed, built-in side tables and have the new guys work on getting that tub tiling removed, and those blue railings have to go---take those up easy, they are getting reused!  


Jake: (up-left) We already have those side tables out---this bed is bolted to the floor. No way to get at it, other than break pry this thing up. Don't know what damage it will do?

Jake: This SOB is really a bear....still stuck! Who bolts a bed where you can't get at it? *(Mattel, that's who!)


Meanwhile, Peder (Pete-on left) and Larry are prying up the tub tile, very carefully.


Larry: You push and all pry up, okay?Together.


Peder: Ja, ramen-together. Dit keramiek is koppig. Duwen! I say PUSH!


Larry: Wow it popped up in one piece, great!'s really icky. We have to get that cleaned up.


Russ: If it is in one piece save it...for the recycle pile. Get the faucet, too. That Art Deco crap is always good for resale.


Peder: Bossman. Ja, de reling komt goed. Up heel good! Very good!


An hour later the team has the upstairs all done, the area swept and clean for tomorrows new floors.


Russ: Alright! Get your butts down here and get this stuff out to the alley. We still need to get the main floor removed.

Max: (blue helmet, peering under the floor) Can't figure out what is still holding this down, Boss.


Max: I'll move this bed outta the way---and see if I can crawl under there. 

Russ: The specs say there's a couple of cement piers under there at the stairs. Get the jack-hammer going, and blast through it.


Max is the biggest and strongest guy on the team. 

Max (yelling): This baby goes through this stuff like 'budder'! Hey guys, we still need some help over here!


Vince and Craig have been working on the ceiling beams. They are cutting the last one.


Craig: Hold that end steady Vince, will ya? Cutting now! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,! That's it. Let's stack them up over in the back. Okay, on our way, Max!.

Craig uses a massive hack-saw to get at some bolts under the seating, where they are removing the old floor.

Craig: Almost ready for you over here Max. I can see it shifting. Give it another shove Vince.


Vince uses the giant pry bar at the elevator. 

Vince: Okay, yell again, when you want me to pull again on this thing!


Max: Just another few inches and this side will be loose. Hold on! Pry now, so I can see what I'm doing! Got IT! it's loose, now


Russ: Okay guys, this is going to take every one of us. Get your pry beams ready. We lift in three stages. first to the supports. 


Jake: Ready here!


Larry: I'll shove that beam under there when we lift. 

Russ: OKAY, guys, NOW LIFT on Three! ONE....



Grrrunnt, groan, moan, ERRRRRraGH!

Russ: Okay take a breath, secure the supports... Next,  see if we can get this up on end!
Again, on my count, ONE......TWO.....THREE!

Peder: nu samen, goed (all together good)
The huge piece of flooring, beams and all rises and clunks down on end!


Russ: AAaagh....take a breather...before we move this out to the alley.

Peder: Okay, Craig?
Craig: Yep, just catching my breath. 


They wedge the floor on some wheels and move it out! 


Russ: Good day's work! Time for a break...take a load off!

Vince, Larry and Craig sit on the new threshold. 

Max devours a whole bag of cookies!

Peder has juice and cheese.


Lots of jokes, fooling around, and food! Isn't that what guys do best?

Russ: Tomorrow we set beams for the ceiling, shore up all the pillars, make forms for the concrete, and get the second floor laid. Lots of fitting pieces, so work in pairs. Larry and Vince you set the beams, and I'll help with that.
Breaks over, let's get all the gear in the trucks and everything cleaned up. 
Good Day's Work Team---Thanks!

Please enjoy more posts in this series:
Grand Hotel: Grand Hotel Demolition Secret

All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own. I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown or anywhere I shop.

 Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission. 

Sharing at these fine blog parties-

Friday Favorites
Happiness is Homemade
Silver Pennies Sundays
Vintage Charm
Tuesdays at our Home

Thank you for your cooperation, 
Sandi Magle


  1. I really love this! All the men! I'll have to check to see if I have any hardhats. I have one contract in my town. He has been doing small jobs but I think he need a crew now and I will add a women to my.

  2. Ha, ha. Sorry about increasing your 'construction crews', I will have to take a peek at your labs set up! I think that was a Safari hat on the crew boss, and I've seen bicycle helmets sprayed yellow that work, also! Thanks for visiting! Sandi


Thanks so much for each and every comment, and I will try and answer any questions you may have.