Grand Hotel: News Scoop

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Back at the girls' townhouse, a few friends are having an impromptu gabfest upstairs in the bedroom. 

(Top row: Gilly, the exercise instructor  and left, Tereeza (reporter for Channel 7-Chicago).

Lower left:Carly(Assistant manager at Vickie's Vintage, and right: Faizah, a student at North Western in political science.


Tereeza: Wow, wait until I tell you this! We sure had a full day today. Ian, my camera guy and I went all the way down to Peoria to interview this incredible singer, Colette, who is moving to Chicago. 

Lara on left below, manager of the remodeled, Le'Grand Hotel, and right, Zoe, bridal consultant at Vickie's.


Lara: Oh, wow! What is she like? I have only talked to her 'people'. She has a hold on the last apartment, 2A in the Hotel, for a two year lease. If that gets finalized, we will be totally occupied. She hasn't been available to view the apartment, because she was in Paris. 

Remember I showed you all a publicity still?

"Colette takes Paris", 2019 publicity photo.


Tereeza: Well, Mademoiselle Colette is something else. We were kept waiting for nearly an hour, but once the lights and speakers came on, she was 'electric'. Our interview went like this...


Colette: I think deez light are too much, fix pleez! I know not vhat to do with my legs, without my gown is dees?


Colette: How's dees? If I lift my cheenie? Eez my coiffure, how you say, perfect?

Tereeza: Ian had to move the lights around for a half an hour. But, Colette definitely does have charisma. And, she's not rude, just cloyingly demanding. She had Ian panting, before he even got one shot, and it wasn't from activity. She personally ran the interview, and we just madly took footage.


Lara: Well, that explains why I have to show her the apartment in the afternoon. She said, "Mornings were not civilized." I think I will go now, I will have to double check the apartment. The tilers and floor people were in there today---I will have to see if they finished. Have fun ladies. And, I'm looking forward to meeting this Meez Colette.


Tereeza: Wait, then she stood up and background music started somewhere, and she began to sing---OMG, her sound gave you chills. She sang something in French---I have no idea what,...but it had to be about 'lost love' or something. Mademoiselle Colette has an amazing voice.

Then she sat down...blinked her eyes and asked, "Must we have zees questions? I do no questions. I vill be very happy to be in Chee-cogo for sometime. We plan to make very much music here, and record." 

She sighed and we said, thank you! I think Ian bowed.


Suddenly one of her people appeared, and Collette took off her wig. And, she never said another word. 

Emilie: I am Emilie: Mademoiselle Colette 'eez' finished now. Zank yoo very mooch! You may go, pleeze! 


Tereeza: Could you please tell us where and when you will be performing? I really love your style!

Emilie: Mademoiselle does not perform like trained dog,...she zings like zee rarest bird. Will you be zo kind to pleeze go...! 

Zank yoo! 


Lara: Oh, my---! Well, I guess I'm forewarned. This will be very interesting, tomorrow. Good nite! Thanks again, Tereeza. How much footage did you get?

Tereeza: Enough, we will mix with some stills, and she signed a release to use the song, she said it was her property. Colette did say a lover wrote it for her when she left. Her persona is like something out of an old movie---a very old movie. (chuckles)

Tereeza: We had a three hour drive back in traffic and I have only threads of information to write the script. 
I guess---it will just have to be visual...! 
Mademoiselle Colette, was quite the experience...

(to be continued)

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DIY Doll Dioramas: Portable Walls!

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When thrift shopping, I never pass up one of these divided shadow boxes. They are usually cheap--and definitely worth the little bit of work to transform.

I've also used them in permanent settings, such as Vickie's Vintage below. The infamous Shoe wall. This one all I did was remove the two covers and then hinge them together. The sparkle is the mirror that backs each of the cubby holes...perfect for maximizing the shoes for viewing! 
Upside, I can use the hinge in the middle to make a corner also, as it is in Vickie's now.

Any of my dioramas that are not in plastic Mattel structures or Vickie's, are set up to be portable. I can break them down and pack the insides away, usually in a small tote. Flat walls are folded and set along my lower walls on the covered concrete block wall bases we have in the craft room. 

I've shared how I use foam core walls to make a 

Storefront Parking Lot


A Vacation Cabin/Hut in Costa Rica-there is another shadow box, which was rough sawn wood with paper cut to fit each cubbyhole.


A huge banquet Party Venue built entirely of covered foam core pieces. I could still set this room up in less than 15 minutes. I used black contact paper for most of the walls. 

I use the same gray/silver poster board for my floors/streets/sidewalks. Bases are done on the thicker foam core  so I can move a set-up if need be, and this gives a firm foundation for pinning the walls to. Half of my doll stand bases are covered in the same silver posterbboard, making wiping the edges out easy in editing my photos. 

Creating that venue--with blank walls and printed additions!


Another historical setting,

Add captionbarbieoldnewredo
 a background for a speaking engagement, quotes from Pinterest and book covers were pasted on paper that had European architecture on. James Baldwin, though American lived in Paris most of his life! 


A complete pumpkin farm, from upside down painted foam core and a backdrop from a toy box.


My hand-painted Chicago skyline makes a park and used for many more! 

Now back to furniture walls!
 Joe and Vickie's Condo is set up on two shelves, a 10" deep shelf and a 12" deep shelf, one above the other in my craft room. The back walls are actually the white-washed paneling from the craft room. The grid poles are the bracket holders. Often, if I remember I can wipe these out with editing.


Here another shadow box is used as a built-in and focal point in Vickie's living room. Again, this one had mirrors, which can be tricky taking photos, My camera is in there along with the opposite storage wall, LOL.


Another cubby box acts as the kitchen wall and cupboards. This one did not have moveable grids, so I left it the stained finish. I filled it with colorful kitchen ware and food items! 

Now, back to the DIY for the bedroom diorama. This one was particularly clean and cheap---and the upside was the removable grid came out in once piece. I knew I wanted a white unit for the bedroom, so I started dismantling to prepare for painting. I wiped down the entire piece with alcohol to remove oils and dust.

Next thing was to remove all the hardware and hinges!

Luckily these are cheaply made and just prying off the hanger was easy. Many of these pieces are stained with a light sealer. Often the stain will bleed through light colored paints. I used a spray 
stain blocker/primer and then could either hand paint or spray with a satin enamel. Why satin enamel? Because it is a tighter finish; museum wax, tapes, and scratch marks are easily wiped away. 

The cover with glass will probably become a picture window in some future diorama.

Since the grid was removable, I added a piece of scrapbook paper behind. This is just put in with double-faced tape---
so I can change it. 
Here it matches another fake wall--the back-end of a Barbie plastic closet with the same paper. You can see a bit of pink at the top in this photo. After looking at this photo, the look of wallpaper is good and the scale is the proper. I added a strip for wall trim at the bottom and raised it to cover the closet. I've also used wrapping papers for back drops, as well as contact paper. 

Here, Vickie and Joe on the first night they moved into the condo, and using their still unfinished bedroom!  The carpet is a placemat from IKEA, though I bought a set of 6 in a thrift store for $2.00.

Happy DIY Dioramas! 

What do you use for walls? 

Thank you for visiting, I will try and respond to every question and comment. 

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2020 HFIM 
For those of you who have missed my earliest posts ---the HFIM house is Home For Impoverished Millenials located in the near Northside of Chicago. Originally a townhouse and a Victorian Mansion joined together, being refurbished by a group of working  vibrant Millenials. By pooling resources (rent, remodeling work, or investing in the house), the HFIM runs democratically with actually few rules-(no shoes, no shirt--no food), and everyone has to help in some way or another in running, maintaining, or repairing the. house. 

The original HFIM Posts began in 2017, HERE on my original blog. Many of the faces have changed, and our grand girl changed some names, now the dolls have a taped name on their butts, so I can keep track.
Later, two basement apartments were added when the inhabitants exceeded the required square footage by Chicago building codes. 

Ryan and Richelle's work space. Richelle does much of her conceptualizing at her drafting table. 

With laptops and printers, Ryan can keep in touch with his office  Chicago Department for Urban Renewal. Richelle wasn't all that happy with his choice of Super Heros for Decor. But, love is about compromises!

You can checkout Ryan and Richelle's (she replaced the original Monica) HERE, and Here. (Monica got cast aside--seems the Grand didn't like her, she got a haircut, gray hair and is now Richelle's Mom.) Richelle took on her job though and is now the lead 'architectural designer' for the HFIM house, while Mulan is in charge of obtaining furnishings. The goal will be to eventually sell the property and everyone split their share of the profits.


The boys' bunk room is in the basement also, currently with Kevin, Ken and soon to be Jamie, and Stuart! 


It has its own mini kitchen for midnight eating. 

The best part---is the all occupants have become a family while they work off their college debts, start their careers, and eventually move on. We last saw some of the girls after a marathon window washing in October! 
This post is the first meeting for the new year!

left to right Mulan, Barbie Rowan (Major owner), Sindy (chief baker), Kevin(brother to Dr.Ken), 

Barbie: Well, is everyone here, (she counts heads-16), I guess we will start-Patrick is missing. Okay we are officially coming to order. Kevin, can you give a treasurer's report! 

Kevin: Well, we just acquired our new mortgage at the lower rate. So, the money saved and the increased property value...will offset the increases in taxes, city services, and utilities. So, there will be no increases for rent/food at this time. The Balance in the investment restoration account today is $12,758.16.

Balance in the monthly expense account stands at $2,900 as of December 31st. As of today, the expense account stands at $5,850.41 with everyone's rent in. Sindy and Jamie, make sure you keep your receipts for all food and supplies.  

Barbie: Great, thank-you Kevin. All in favor of the treasurer's report, please say Aye!  AYES have it! 

Any old business? 
New business? 


Dr. Ken and Belle

Belle: Midge and I will be taking over the cleaning and laundry schedules for all parts of the house! Please check and complete your assigned tasks sometime during each day. The list will be in the kitchen in the file book. Please everyone, disinfect doorknobs, phones, all eating surfaces, and appliances, when you use them. This will keep us all healthy and everyone wash your hands before and after eating and in the bathroom.

Please continue to use your totes for personal hygiene supplies, and taking them with you when you are done in the bathrooms! 

Please remember to sort garbage and recyclables, remember we are trying to go 'Green' in this house. All garbage is to be removed from the house daily.

Barbie: Thank you, Belle, sounds like we have everything under control. 

Middle back to right, Aurora (Rory) Vance, Jamie Carney, Nemo.

Ken: I will be moving out, but I still be investing some of my salary in the restoration. I'm going to be an ER Resident at Chicago Hope, so you will still see me now and then! Especially to see Belle. I need to live closer to the hospital, though for emergencies. Sorry gang! No more freebie house calls! 


Barbie: Well, good luck Ken, we will miss you---but your bed will be filled by Jamie! Welcome, Jamie!

Jamie: Thanks, everyone has been great while I was using Aidan's bunk when he was gone.

Rory: And, I will be gone again with a new tour of "Beauty and the Beast," I leave in two weeks and won't be back until early April! So, someone will have to take over the kitchen and ordering duties. 

Jamie: I can do that, at least until Sindy's bakery and coffee shop opens. I only have 2 classes this semester in Culinary school until I graduate. I hope you'll like my cooking!


Sindy: I can help Jamie with the ordering and shopping until the construction is done on the Grand Hotel! I can't do much of anything in there until they finish. We still don't have water or electricity in the shops areas! I need to test out some more recipes' for my gluten and vegetarian offerings I will have at the Bakery.


Rory: Can you start right away? They doubled my rehearsals and I have costume fittings this week? I'm swamped! And, I'm sure going to miss your zucchini muffins!

Jamie: I can start tomorrow, if you can show me the basics of ordering what everyone likes, and how many show up for meals?

Rory: No problem, we sort of have it down to a science almost...(chortle). You only have to cook for two meals, breakfast and supper. Lunches are help yourself out of the fridge/freezer, etc.


Ryan and Richelle engaged forever!

Ryan: Sindy, I saw some permits go through the office this week, so progress should be starting pretty soon. I know it has been a long haul. Everything has been stalled with changeover to the new mayor's administration. 

Richelle: And WE ARE getting married this year, sometime! After that Hotel is finished.

Ryan: Um, yes Dear, we are!


Peder: (from behind Ryan): I just got called back to work on the Hotel, I will start again next week Monday.

Chelsea: Can someone please put in the new door between my room and the bathroom? I hear everybody's, everything!

l to r, Foofie, Midge, Aidan, Chelsea

Aidan: I can do that, I only have two days this week in "Chicago Fire."

Barbie: (typing madly) Great, that takes care of lots on the new list! Ryan, can you get final quotes on the exterior stairway, and re-surfacing the blacktop for the driveway. 

Ryan: Already on it! These should be our largest expenses this year! We sure can't plan on anything else until those are done. 

Richelle: But, new floors on second and third floors are also on the 'wish list'. 

Midge: The upstairs laundry dryer is making strange noises again?


Peder and Stuart
Peder: I can check on that, I think it needs a new belt, a quick fix! And, I can repair the switches in that room, the lights keep blinking.

Sindy: we need a folding table in that room and shelves, and more baskets.

Stuart: I'm available next week, for two days for any project, I can do that. There's a piece of countertop the garage that might work, and plenty of wood there, also.


Jamie and Nemo-front. 
Nemo: Stuart, I'm up for insulating the garage...anyone else? The insulation is just sitting there. Anyone into cars now, the van and scooter need tuneups?

(Aidan raises his hand), I can do that.


Barbie: Well, that's great! Stuart on laundry room, and Aidan are on vehicle  maintenance, after the garage is insulated. Thanks, Nemo, I had forgotten that wasn't done.

On exterior maintenance, Peder could you make sure to clear the walkways and stairs and everything is salted for snow, for this month please! Enlist anyone available to help if we get buried? If you need more supplies, please ask Jamie to order that for you, before you run out!


Chelsea: I will still feed the kitties and the dogs! 
Barbie: Thank you Chelsea, how about using the pooper-scooper?
Chelsea: Eeeeww, but I will do that, too. 


Kevin: Patrick said he will not be available for some time. He's looking for a new space to start his own bar with a food license. Actually he's looking at the basement of the hotel, but not sure if he can get a liquor license for there. He's at a meeting with Lara right now, to see if it is doable!

Barbie: Wow, this neighborhood is really changing. Soon, we will have everything within walking distance.

Okay, any more new business, problems? None? Okay---meeting is adjourned. Now, everyone grab a chair and put all the furniture back! And, thank-you, all.


Kevin: I almost forgot. As social director---Don't forget Game Night next Saturday night! It's posted on the refrigerator. Sign up and bring your favorite game and we will have a marathon night. I even have some prizes for the winners! Dates are welcome, just let me know who is coming! 

Thank you for visiting, I will try and respond to every question and comment. 

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