Sindy's Patiserrie OPENS

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Sindy and Jamie worked very hard to open the Bakery and Coffee Shop. 


They cleaned and stocked, baked and cleaned again. 


Lists were made and items crossed off.


Cooler is done....! All stocked and ready to go.



Late into the night---finally everything was ready...except


Governor Pritzker, wisely declared all restaurants and bars closed. 


The Patisserie and Coffee Shop would not open as planned

On to Plan B.... After careful consideration, and some strategic rearranging, Sindy and Jamie decided to open for Bakery only. Blocking off the original entrance, removing the banquette...
they set up to serve the public two at a time.


Taking extra precautionary measures for safety---Sindy will arrive at 4 am, and will wait on the Bakery customers from 8-2pm, while Jamie bakes in the afternoon until night. 
They are hoping not serving coffees/teas, will allow them to keep the payroll low enough to get them through this tough time.

Sindy: Do we really have everything ready? What if no one comes to our Open signs?
Jamie: Are you kidding? It's at least a fifteen block walk to the nearest grocery store to get bread. I bet by the end of the week we will be selling out every day.

OUTSIDE, lines of shoppers are beginning to form, people are keeping a safe distance apart while they wait for 8am.


Justin is second in line...and patiently waiting.


Gilly: Hi, I'm Gilly---I have/had the ZoomBa studio down the street. Aren't you the new Salon's owner?
Jacquie: Sure am, or will be, whenever the virus is over. We were totally ready for the Grand Opening, and then we were closed down. 


Trish: I'm just here to water the plants, I didn't know I would have to wait in line to do this. How are you, Zoe? I saw Vickie's was closed down, too!

Zoe: Vickie is manning the website though. Yes, and the pre-school is still open. People need childcare, but I'm only working there only 3 days a week. It's going to be hard to pay the bills.


It looks like the doors are opening.


Mr. Pitt is the first customer...he stares at the price sheet. 

Russ Pitt: I need 2 croissants, 2 brioche...and let me try some of that Danish Raspberry Kringle.


Sindy: The Kringle is on me, Mr. Pitt. Those shelves you put up in the kitchen are perfect, thanks so much!

Russ Pitt: You're welcome, Sindy. I'm just glad you were finally able to open. No coffee? Sigh, though, and I guess I understand. 

Sindy: Maybe we will have carry-out hot beverages next week. I couldn't get my hands on adequate paper supplies, and single serving extras on such short notice. My extra help backed out, her parent's won't let her work during the closures.

Russ: Well good luck, I need to get this home. Strange to be going home in the middle of the morning. Bye!


Sindy: Did you need a name on the cake?
Justin: No, it's for Dad's birthday...he'll know it's his. How much is that?

Sindy: That will be $19.75 with tax. Let me close that box up tight for you.

Justin: Thanks, it sure looks good!


Gilly: (Waves at Lara working in her office, through the window).


Alana: Those brownies look delicious, and the Kringle stick, too. But, I really need some Honey Wheat Bread, please. It's great you are open in this neighborhood. I love your selections..everything looks great.


Gilly: I need some French Bread, two brioches, two of those huge donuts, and some Kringle slices for me...! But, I'm shopping for my Mom and Dad. She's not supposed to go out.

Sindy: Well, I hope your parents will be okay, everyone is worried and we opened to serve this neighborhood.  


Gilly: I'm so glad you are open, it's a two bus trip to the Jewel. This is much nicer. Thanks!


Jacquie: Hi Trish, the plants look wonderful!


Trish: Thanks, Jacquie, your shop is so cool. I'm so sorry you aren't able to open yet.

Jacquie: It's okay, we would rather be safe. I'm here to pick up my mail, I just worry about my girls, they won't qualify for unemployment since we never opened. I would hate to lose them.

Trish: Hopefully this won't last long.


Lara; Hi, Jamie, I heard the phone ringing off the hook from my desk.

Jamie: Yea, I can't get a thing done, and Sindy can't be running back and forth either. Could you maybe 'man' or 'woman' the phone for us, for awhile? 


Lara: Sure this will be just what I need to keep busy.


Lara: Wow, look at all the orders you have and it's only 10:30 in the morning. Let's see how this is going to work.


Later that afternoon...

Jacquie: Hi, Lara. I see they have you working here now. 

Sindy: She's been kind enough to answer some phones. The orders keep pouring in.


Jacquie: I know all kinds of businesses are doing pick-up or delivery. Too bad we can't do hair and send it home in a box...LOL. I just made it back here by 2pm. I had to come back and get the cake pops for my kids. Thanks, I hope it keeps being busy for you. 
Can I put out some flyers somewhere for the Salon?

Sindy: Of course...we have to help each other.


Jamie: Sindy it is time for you to go...can you turn out the lights?

Sindy: Sure, Jamie. But, I can stay for awhile.

Jamie: No, you go home. Lara really helped. We are going to need someone to pack orders and answer the phone, tomorrow. Any ideas?

Sindy: I'll see if I can get someone from the house! Oh, I have to cook tonight. Yikes.

Jamie: There's a big tub of turkey chili in the freezer, just thaw it out and make a bunch of noodles and salad...easy-peasy. I planned meals ahead, cause I knew we would be wiped out. Only problem is all the guys are home, too. Might want to have some pizzas ready.

Sindy: You think of everything...thanks Jamie, you're really a Peachy Pecan Pie! And, we sold three of those today!!!

Outside the girls gab a bit a fair distance away.


Lara: Take care Jacquie, hope you can keep busy!

Jacquie: I got four kids at home right now with schools closed, I need time off from them! (chuckle)

Sindy: Sorry ladies, I have to get home and thaw out supper...See ya!


Sindy: Thanks for helping out, Lara. Two customers at a time aren't too bad, but that phone, never stopped ringing. How many orders were there? 

Lara: I didn't count, but I got to the fifth page. Some orders are for the weekend. I'll be around tomorrow if you get desperate. We have two condos being moved into. I need to be here for the movers and the doors. More full condos, means more business for you!

Sindy: Thanks, wow-that's great! The biggest problem is guessing what customers are going to want and need. Laters, Lara. It looks like it is going to rain again...Bye!

If you are interested in all the posts of the Grand(View) Hotel: here they are in order!


  1. Thank you so much, I've been working on this for quite awhile. But, my dolls have to deal with RL, just like we do, unfortunately!

  2. Such imagination and time to style the photo shoot!

    1. Thanks so much Jeanne, it has been a long project, taking photos is the pay off!

  3. I just LOVE tiny foods, when Princess T decided she'd outgrown all of hers I Hoarded it in Canning Jars and now have it organized in my Antique Typeset Cabinet Drawers... just because... *Winks* Loving this Diorama, I'd shop at a place like this!

    1. I would love to dive into your hoards...LOL. Thanks, Dawn, I'm glad you enjoyed my little 'stuff', this is what keeps me sane!


Thanks so much for each and every comment, and I will try and answer any questions you may have.